
Showing posts from January, 2020

guns germs and steel test

Today in class we took the test on guns germs and steel. The test was 26 questions multiple choice I thought the test was pretty easy there was probably three or four questions that I did not know. But overall I think I did pretty well on it. Some of the the questions were how many cows are in the US now and the answer was 100,000,000. Another question was what is one of the professions that Diamond does NOT have and the answer was professional photography.

guns germs and steel pt.5

Today in class we finished the video guns germs and steel. To sum it up Jared Diamond had a theory why is papa new gini so undeveloped. Some of his ideas were that they lived in the middle of the jungle or because they did not have the foods to progress. They also do not have any animals that can be domesticated. Diamonds final theory was that it all comes down to geographic luck and new gini got dealt a bad hand.

guns germs and steel pt.4

Today in class the video on guns germs and steel talked about domesticating animals which means making them more useful. For example instead of just eating a cow you would make cloths and breed it to get more cows. The first animals to ever be domesticated were goats and sheep. There are only 14 animals that have ever been domesticated they are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, bacteria camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, rain deer, yaks, mithans, and bail cattle.   

guns germs and steel pt.3

Today in class we watched more of the videos on guns germs and steel by Jared Diamond. It talked about farming and the better and worse crops. In the middle east wheat and barley was growing wild the people used granaries to store the wheat and barley. China grows rice, America grows corn, squash and beans, and Africa grows sorghum, millet and yam. When it comes to farming for the people in Papa New Guini it comes down to Geographic luck.

guns germs and steel pt.2

Today we watched more of the video guns germs and steel. It talked about how the Papa New Guineans gather and hunt food. The women are the gatherers and the men are the hunters the way the men hunt is with stone age weapons such as wooden bows with stone tips and sharpened wooden sticks as spears. The way the women gathered food is by chopping down a tree and striping it to the core, processing it and cooking it. They also could go out and make a shelter with nothing but their hands in a half an hour.

guns, germs and steel

Today we talked about the book guns, germs and steel by Jared Diamond. His novel was published in March 1997 and was broadcasted on PBS in July 2005. Jared is also a professor at university News ELA and majors in biology and human physiology. He also is a bird watcher.