A Message to Garcia

Today we read the story A Message to Garcia written by Elbert Hubbard the biggest point of this story was when Rowan one of the characters was assigned to deliver the message and he did it without question. This leads into the point that all people are not like Rowan they complain or make excesses to get out of doing the work. Elbert uses a example to show you what he is trying to say he says this you are in your office and you summon a clerk to “Please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio.” In your life Elbert says he will look at you in a fishy eye and ask a number of questions for example Who was he? Which encyclopedia? Where is the encyclopedia? Elbert thinks that the lazy workers should get beat with a wooden club or get fired. The last example he uses is if you were to send the book keeper to deliver a message he might stop at the sweat shop and forget what he is out to do. All Elbert wants is a worker that does the same amount of work as when the boss is their vs when the boss is away.


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