Difference in maps

We are researching what the difference between a Mercator map and a Peter Projection map. Some differences are a Projection map is more stretched out and a Mercator map is not the reason for it being like this is to make it more accurate because if you were to take a globe and make it flat it would be stretched a little bit and it makes the continents bigger. If you were to take a globe and put it side by side with a Mercator map the continents are not going to be the same size. Mercator maps have more colors to separate the states and a Projection map is just one color per continent is does not make locating states easy. It also does not show the locations of major highways, airports and mountains. Somethings they do have in common is they have oceans and a key showing how much an inch is in real scale like one inch on the map is however many miles in real life.


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