
Showing posts from September, 2019


Today in class we learned about longitude it is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the earth's surface. It is measured by imagery lines circling the earth and running through the poles. We are going to have a quiz tomorrow on labeling countries. We turned the lights on for the first time all school year. We also labeled some coordinates of places on a map and found its longitude on a globe. We had about 20 minutes to do what we wanted to do for the rest of class today.

Grinds and Time Zones

Today in class we talked about ways of describing where things are. Geography is the study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reasons for the locations. A map is a two dimensional or flat scale model of the earths surface. Cartography is art of making maps. Some of the purposes of maps are as a reference tool to identify an objects absolute or relative location and as a communication tool to covey physical features of human activities. Absolute location is the regional position situation of a place relative to the position of other places and latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north south position of a point on the earths surface.


In class today we talked about situation it is the location of a place relative to other places. It helps to find an unfamiliar place, understanding its importance, and access to other places. We also talked about why we design products like the iPhone here and have it manufactured in places like China. The reason for this is because it is cheaper to import it over seas. Another thing we talked about was How people in China do not get payed that much for example in america if you are making about  $1300 a month in the United States you would probably make about $300 a month in China and there are over a billion people working there which means it is a lot more expensive if someone gets hurt at a factory because you have to pay for all of there medical bills and then find someone to take there place while they are recovering.

How Do Geographers describe locations

Today we covered a lot in class we talked about maps and how we are on the same latitude as North Korea. We also talked about site it is the physical character of a place climates include water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation. We also talked about how some plants can only grow in some places such as avocados can only be grown in mexico and bananas can only be grown in the  Caribbean. Another thing we talked about was humans have built land where land was never there before and the buildings we have built that can house and put to work about thirty thousand people. 

Map Memorization


Reviewing the first test

Today we got our first test back I was pretty happy with my grade. The part I did the best on is the multiple choice and the essays I aced the multiple choice and only lost a couple points on the essay. I could have gotten a few more points if I spent a little longer studying. What I struggled with the most was what the gathering place was for the Ancient Greeks and I could not figure out what the name of the tallest mountain in Alaska was it was only for extra credit. The average score for the class was 86.4 five people voted guilty for the essay and sixteen people wrote not guilty I thought the average score was pretty good it was a high B. The format of the test was not to bad and I think if a took another test in this format I would do better because I know what it would look like and I would study a little harder.

Difference in maps

We are researching what the difference between a Mercator map and a Peter Projection map. Some differences are a Projection map is more stretched out and a Mercator map is not the reason for it being like this is to make it more accurate because if you were to take a globe and make it flat it would be stretched a little bit and it makes the continents bigger. If you were to take a globe and put it side by side with a Mercator map the continents are not going to be the same size. Mercator maps have more colors to separate the states and a Projection map is just one color per continent is does not make locating states easy. It also does not show the locations of major highways, airports and mountains. Somethings they do have in common is they have oceans and a key showing how much an inch is in real scale like one inch on the map is however many miles in real life.


Today we talked about maps we looked at three different kinds of maps map A, B, C. Map A was a map of just the us it had a lot of colors to separate the states it had locations of mountains, roads, highways rivers, and airports and because it was of just the United States you could fit a lot more detail it was a Mercator map. Map B was a map of the world it had a good amount of color to separate everything it showed the locations of mountains, rivers, oceans this was also a Mercator map. And map C this was the most accurate map because it was stretched like if you took a globe and made it flat each continent had its own color it also showed rivers and oceans.

First test

Today we had our first test it was not to hard because I reviewed it last night and during free mods today. The part of the test I like the most is the multiple choice because I have a set boundary of answers to chose from. I also like the extra credit because it might bring my grade up from a wrong answer. I feel like I did really well on the essay portion of the test it was worth about 40 points so I feel that will bring my grade up a lot I think 20 points per essay is a reasonable amount and I would not change it. The essay questions were easy if you payed attention in class of the past week and studied a little bit last night. The test was pretty fair in my opinion I would not change the format of it.

More Excellence

We talked about 9/11 for a little while what happened and where some people were during that time. Then we went into more detail about Socrates and how he admitted to doing what he was on trial for and how he should be rewarded for it. As a young man he worked as a stonemason he fought historically in the Peloponnesian war. Socrates believed that he can not teach anyone anything he can only make them think he was on trial for corruption of Athens' youth and impiety (not believing in the gods of the state). In the end he lost his trial 279-221 sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock he had the opportunity to escape but he refused. An idiot in Athenian democracy was someone private declining to take part in public life. The examined life is not worth living.


Agora was a public open space used for assemblies and markets a polis was a city state in ancient Greece. In 508 BC Klishenis came to power he placed the fountain of Athenian democracy with some serious reforms but the most important event was the increase of races from four toten and the parallel distribution of the city in Trities and municipalities. Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher credited for being one of the founders of Western philosophy. He was sentenced to death for corrupting the young minds by saying that Greek mythology was not real the was he was killed was he had to consume a deadly poison. The socratic method is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking. The word idiot in Ancient Greece was ones own or private

more on A Letter to Garcia

We talked more on a letter to Garcia and took notes on things like when it was published how it sold more then 40 million copies and was translated into 37 languages some key words in it where perihelion, slipshod, imbecility, stenographer, and missive. It was also made into a movie twice first in 1916 and then in 1936 using the phrase "take a message to Garcia" is still used today in the military. The setting is the Spanish American war Garcia was a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain Rowan was an army officer and McKinley was the 25th president assassinated six months into his second term by an anarchist. Not long after his assassination the tallest mountain in North America was named after him until 2015.

A Message to Garcia

Today we read the story A Message to Garcia written by Elbert Hubbard the biggest point of this story was when Rowan one of the characters was assigned to deliver the message and he did it without question. This leads into the point that all people are not like Rowan they complain or make excesses to get out of doing the work. Elbert uses a example to show you what he is trying to say he says this you are in your office and you summon a clerk to “Please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio.” In your life Elbert says he will look at you in a fishy eye and ask a number of questions for example Who was he? Which encyclopedia? Where is the encyclopedia? Elbert thinks that the lazy workers should get beat with a wooden club or get fired. The last example he uses is if you were to send the book keeper to deliver a message he might stop at the sweat shop and forget what he is out to do. All Elbert wants is a worker that does the...

wed September 4th

Wednesday September 4th blog In class we talked about why high school will be the hardest 4 years of your life. Some of the things we talked about were sports and how you might not have a lot of time after practice to get your homework done this is harder to manage than collage because there you are mostly focused on your education. The last thing we talked about was time management and keeping your grades up because you only have five minutes in between class to get your books and get to class on time so you have to manage your time well and keeping your grades up is difficult because you haves so much going on at once that it is so hard to balance like clubs, hanging out with friends or sports.

first day of school

The best part of my day at John Carroll was my free mod because it let me have some free time in between classes and let me get started some of the homework I had been assigned so I would have some more free time at home. The worst part of my day was having to sit through all of my classes and listen to all of the similar rules all of the teachers had. I like my seat because I am in the front of the room because I do not have the best vision so that will help me to see the board when taking notes and to focus more when class is being taught because I am closer and can hear the teacher better.