
Showing posts from November, 2019

religion quiz review

Today we went over the religion quiz I got a 76% I only got five questions wrong. I think I could have done better if I went over more of the information that was on the google slides. I do think I did a good amount of studying and preparing for the quiz.

religions quiz

Today we had a quiz on five major religions. The five major religions were Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. I think I did pretty well if I were to give myself a grade I would probably give myself an 87%. The quiz covered Christianity number of adherents: around 2.2 billion (largest in the world) call them: Christians geographic location: Europe, the Americas, southern Africa denominations: Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Protestants (Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, many more) founder: Jesus Christ (Christianity is Abrahamic in origin) holy book: The Bible, especially the New Testament (gospels) beliefs: Jesus is both human and divine - the Son of God;  he led a virtuous life; he was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected; he ascended into heaven where he reigns w/God the Father  clergy: the Pope is head of the Catholic Church, priests are local authorities Islam number ...

religions part 2

Hinduism  number of adherents: 1.1 billion (third largest) call them: Hindus geographic location: India, Nepal holy book: the Vedas - eternal truths revealed to ancient sages; composed in verse form (meant to be sung and easily memorized) founder: no distinct founder - it is a series of intellectual or philosophical points of view, rather than a rigid, strict set of beliefs - probably the oldest extant religion, although Hinduism is less a religion than a way of life, or a faith Buddhism number of adherents: 500 mill. to 1.5 billion (estimates vary quite a bit, don’t they?) call them: Buddhists geographic location: southeast Asia, China, Nepal, Japan (there are 1.2 million Buddhists in the United States) founder: Siddhartha Gautama denominations: Tibetan Zen Theravada Amidist Four Noble Truths There is suffering Attachment to desire is the origin of suffering There is a cessation of suffering The Eightfold Path will le...

religions part 1

Today was the first part of learning about religions. Some of the information that we learned was. Christianity number of adherents: around 2.2 billion (largest in the world) call them: Christians geographic location: Europe, the Americas, southern Africa denominations: Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Protestants (Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, many more) founder: Jesus Christ (Christianity is Abrahamic in origin) holy book: The Bible, especially the New Testament (gospels) beliefs: Jesus is both human and divine - the Son of God;  he led a virtuous life; he was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected; he ascended into heaven where he reigns w/God the Father  clergy: the Pope is head of the Catholic Church, priests are local authorities Islam number of adherents: 1.5 billion (second largest) call them: Muslims geographic location: Indonesia, Middle East, north Africa denomination...

population test

Today we took the test on population. I think I did pretty well on it I studied hard for it and think that the test went well. If I where to estimate I would probably say that I got a 84%. Some of the things on the test were how many people on the planet right now, where most of the population growth rate takes place, how long it took us to get to our first billion, crude birth and death rate, rate of natural increase (RNI), net migration rate, immigration and emigration, push and pull forces, total fertility rate (TFR) and what number it must be to remain the same.

population pyramid test review

Today in class we reviewed population pyramids and what is going to be on the test on Monday. Some of the questions that are going to be on the test are what side are males/females on, on the pyramid it is males on the left and females on the right. Another question is how old are people in pre reproductive, reproductive and post reproductive years. what sides are males/females on in the population pyramid[males on the left females on the right] how old are people are people in pre reproductive years[1-12 years old] how old are people are people in reproductive years[12-45 years old] how old are people are people in post reproductive years[46 and up]

test review

Today in class we reviewed what is going to be on the test on Monday. It is going to be on how many people are on the planet right now which is 7.6 billion people and where most of the population growth rate takes place which is 90% in developing countries of Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America. It is also going to be on how long it took us to get to our first billion and crude birth and death rate, and rate of natural increase (RNI). We will also need to know net migration rate, immigration, emigration, push and pull forces, total fertility rate and what number it must be to remain the same that number is 2.1 people on the planet right now [7.6 billion] where most of the population growth rate takes place [90% in developing countries Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin america] how long it took us to get to our first billion [10,000+ years] crude birth and death rate rate of natural increase (RNI) net migration rate  immigration and emigration push and pul...

pretensions(how it went)

I'm going to go over how the projects went yesterday because I could not do the project because of stage crew. Most of the projects went pretty well overall I would give the class a 86% because there were some slip ups and some people it did not feel like they talked for two minutes some people maybe talked for a little over a minute. But over all I think the class presentations went well.


Today the class presented their presentations. They were about different countries some of the problems there such as lack of crude oil which is used to conduct electricity which means some countries people have no electricity or only few people have it. Some of the other problems were population like in China where most of the population is elderly people. This means that people are dying faster than they are being born.

Not in class again

I was not in class today because of the play

Not in class

I was not in class today because of the play

population assignment (what I learned)

Yesterday we had an assignment in class it was to go in CIA world fact book and find five countries and write facts about them that are relevant to what we have learned in class. Some of the things I learned were Eswatini is a country and its population is rising slowly and Germany's population is declining rapidly. Another thing I learned was Pitcairn Islands population is only fifty four people. I also learned that Costa Rica's population will rise in a few years and then fall back down. And the final thing I learned from this assignment was that Angola's birth rate is 43.7 births per 1,000 of the population.

Population assignment

  The total fertility rate in China is 1.6 as of 2018 which means their population is dropping. I chose this topic because we have been talking a lot about population growth rate and death rate this was interesting to me because it is cool to hear about how other countries are doing population wise.   The life expectancy for the United States is shown bellow this is relevant to what we have been learning in class because we have talked about population pyramids and how many older women there are compared to older me. This is interesting because there is a difference in life expectancy between men and women and I would not have thought that. total population:   80.1 years   (2018 est.) male:   77.8 years female:   82.3 years      The population of Pitcairn Islands is 54 we have been talking about the age distribution with population pyramids in class. This stuck out a lot because the whole country only has 54 people.   Brazil's de...